Friday, December 28, 2007


Secret Santa!

Every year we draw names for "Secret Santa." (Not sure why we call it "Secret Santa" as it's not a secret!) But anyway, being there are six of us, we draw names rather than each kids buying for everyone in the family. It has become quite the tradition each year and the kids really look foward to it. We usually draw names and make a family day of shopping for the person we drew and have lunch together. This year Daddy had Kristen and he bought her a Sim City game for her Nintendo DS and a pair of earrings. I had Cody and I bought him a racing game for his PSP and a Webkinz. Kalee had Bradley and bought him a really cool Lego set. Kristen had me and she bought me a Wok and a springform cheesecake pan. Bradley had Kalee and he cought her a purse and a HUGE jug of Jelly Belly Beans. Cody had Daddy and he bought him some new surround sound ear buds for his iPod. We open these gifts on Christmas Eve and open all of the other gifts on Christmas morning.

The Stockings Were Hung!

As always, the kids dive into their stockings first. Santa knew just what they's love! They were stuffed with lots of their favorite candy, fuzzy socks, hair stuff (for the girls) and Bradley & Cody got their own hammers (they are always taking Dad's).

Three Special Gifts!

This year we decided to go a little "lighter" on Christmas gifts. Our kids are old enough to understand the true meaning of Christmas (which is not presents for me me me!) and not to mention, we are on a budget with the adoption so close. So, each of the kids got three gifts from us representing the three gifts brought by the Wise Men for Baby Jesus. Kalee got a Heely's, clothes from American Eagle & a flat iron for her hair. Kristen got Heely's, clothes from American Eagle & a new flute. Bradley & Cody also got Heely's as well as a case and a movie for their PSP and new skateboards. They were all very happy with what they got from us, but Santa brought their favorite present....see next post!

Santa Brought A Wii To The Field House!

The Field Bunch must have been good this year! Everyone had a blast playing Wii Sports, but I think Charley was a little sore by the end of the day!!!

Decorating Christmas Cookies!

After opening presents and playing Wii (for a very long time) the kids decorated cookies that Granny made. Every year our cookies get more and more detailed. They are quite the little artists!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Well, no Christmas miracle referral, but God has blessed us with a wonderful Christmas. We spent the day as a family. My parents came down from Oklahoma and Chraley's dad was here too. The kids got lots of cool stuff (the WII is the favorite). Now I get to enjoy the next 7 days off and we look foward to all the wonderful things that 2008 holds!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Kalee (8th Grade Basketball Game)

Kalee made the 8th grade basketball team and loves to play. She is very aggressive and a leader on her team! Way to go Kalee!!!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Elf Dancin' Field Kids!

Hey, I just made a total elf of our kids! Check it out by clicking the link below.

This elfin' greeting brought to you by OfficeMax®.

Monday, December 3, 2007


As I'm sure it goes without saying, we had a blast in San Antonio with our friends Chris, Lindsey, Andy & Sarah this weekend watching the Sooners beat up on the Mizzou Tigers 38 - 17!!! BOOMER - - - - SOONER!!! (See Riverwalk pics below!)

San Antonio Riverwalk

We hung out most of the day at the Riverwalk until a few hours before game time. There was tons of Sooner fans and a few scattered Mizzou fans, so we drouned everyone out hollering BOOMER - - - - SOONER!!! We ate some interesting Mexican food at a place called Rio Rio. I reccommend trying somewhere else if you are ever in San Antonio and looking for Mexican food! Yup, it was that good!!! The river was beautiful at night, all lit up and decorated for Christmas. We had a great time!